WOSTEP opens in Neuchâtel with a 1-year course for North American watchmakers.
Director: André Farine
The Refresher Course is opened to watchmakers from all over the world.
Director: Mr. Antoine Simonin
The Refresher Course is now a 20-week session held twice a year.
First session of the course on complicated watches.
WOSTEP becomes a non-profit association with 23 members. Mr. Roland Frêne is the president.
Some training sessions and education programs offered in Neuchâtel are also offered around the world.
WOSTEP celebrates its 25th anniversary.
The concept of the Worldwide Partnership is first presented to offer opportunities Worldwide to budding watchmakers.
The methodical guide for the 3000-hour watch repairer program is published
Presentation of the World-wide Partnership to 9 French-speaking watchmaking schools.
5 schools introduce the 3'000-hour program.
WOSTEP celebrates its 30th anniversary and inaugurates its new premises.
Presentation of the World-wide Partnership to 10 new English-speaking watchmaking schools.
5 of the first Worldwide Partnership schools graduate their first students of the 3000-hour program.
The Partnership is now implemented in English, French and German speaking schools.
The Worldwide Partnership develops educational models for classroom instruction.
8 schools graduate students in the United Kingdom, United States of America and France.
The WOSTEP Foundation offers now 27 courses for watchmakers, teachers and sales people in 4 languages.
The Worldwide Partnership now provides examinations in English, French, German, Japanese, Swedish and Mandarin.
Director: Marteen Pieters
The Worldwide Partnership defines required infrastructure and provides additional services to promote the highest standards in watchmaking education worldwide.
WOSTEP has over 100 members including representatives of the leading watch brands, manufacturers of movements and complicated watches, retailers in Switzerland and abroad, watchmaking organisations, allied trades and firms that manufacture electronic and workshop equipment, spare parts and tools.
WOSTEP 40th anniversary.
Creation of the WOSTEP Foundation.
President: Maître Jean-Patrice Hofner
The Worldwide Partnership graduates 12 sessions in 6 countries.
OFIAMT (Swiss Federal Office for Industry, Trade and Labour) and the OPET (Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology) now called SEFRI (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation) recognise the 3'000-hour WOSTEP program which becomes an official part of adult watchmaking education in Switzerland.
Development of the school watch WOSTEP 01.
The first WOSTEP Forum is held in Neuchâtel, instructors and industry representatives attend from around the World.
The WOSTEP 640-hour Encasing Technician program is introduced to the Worldwide Partnership.
3-week pilot course in polishing
Development of the 4-month CS Polishing Technician Program
The WOSTEP in-house school watch calibre W-01 is introduced to the Partnership.
Students who excel in the W-01 project are given the opportunity to submit their piece to C.O.S.C for chronometer certification.
The second WOSTEP Forum is held in Neuchâtel.
First 4-month Customer Service polishing technician program.
Intermediate examinations are updated for the WOSTEP 3000-hour program now involving complete and encased product.
The pivot gauge examination is phased out and the balance staff examination is introduced.
Specialised tooling is developed by WOSTEP for the Worldwide Partnership.
The WOSTEP 1800-hour program, recognised by the CP and the SEFRI, is introduced to the Worldwide Partnership.
The first W-01 school watches are completed by students of the Worldwide Partnership.
The third WOSTEP Forum is held in Neuchâtel.
New 3-day course: Introduction to polishing
WOSTEP celebrates its 50 years in watchmaking education.
The Worldwide Partnership celebrates its 20th anniversary.
The fourth WOSTEP Forum is held in Neuchâtel.
President: Patrick Jaton
New: Train the Trainers - Teachers development program, a new course given by the WOSTEP Foundation and Exprimerie.
Director ad: Marco Schommer
New 5-day course: Lapping course
New parternship between FHH Academy and WOSTEP which gives birth to a day of introduction to watchmaking!
First meeting of school principals is held in Neuchâtel.
The fifth Forum is held in Neuchâtel with the participation of teachers from Partnership schools.
New: The different techniques related to polishing course has been splitted on 3 different courses.
1) Lapping course
2) Preparation techniques course
3) Final finishing techniques course
Director: Johann Kunz-Fernandez
New: Our new 1-year program "Customer Service Watchmaker Program" is now given in Neuchâtel.